Tao Sangha is a place to practice and develop spirituality, life-giving energy, and physical and emotional well-being. A place free of social categorizations and violent actions of any kind.
– A poem written by the founder of Tao Sangha, Ryokyu Endo, carries us even closer to the core of Tao Sangha.
The Path of Living with the Wish, the Path of Tao Sangha
There are no gurus or followers here,
No one who behaves like a god.
There might not be anything here to satisfy your ego,
or anything that makes you feel special.
So what exists here?
The Way is here and Tao is the Way.
The Way to confront your ego each moment from various directions.
The Way for you to contribute to the world.
The Way to live with the Vow.
This Vow is the desperate hope, your heart’s deep wish, for the best for all beings.
This Vow will unify you in the Ki dimension to all existence,
Through the Great Spirit of the Universe.
Then all life, which is called Sangha,
will receive all the goodness and merit the Vow brings.
When the Vow of the Tao exists in your heart,
You are unified with the Great Spirit.
And every breath, every action, every thought,
will melt to the heart of the Great Spirit, spreading to the whole universe.
Relax by completely trusting your existence to the Great Force.
Tao is the Way to receive unification from the heart of the Great Spirit,
And allow this spirit to live in your heart and body.
In the moment that you unify with all beings,
You share in the peace and pleasure.
And the riches of life, with all life.
This is called Tao Sangha.