Let’s continue with “Action – Remorse – Gratitude – Praise.”
This time I’ll talk about “Remorse” — and you might wonder about the title, about what the connection between remorse and being free is.
Remorse usually has a negative image.
You do not remorse because you have done something wrong.
But this negative image might be taught by parents, teachers, or society; they plant the guilty feeling in you, subconsciously, so they can exert control. But you can change this karma from the past.
Let’s think about remorse as an ability. An ability to see the heart clearly.
• Not judging yourself, but humbly accepting what you have done.
• Not blaming yourself, but feeling that shame and regret are inside you.

Ego doesn’t want to see these things because it’s very painful for ego to see them, but your motivation for spiritual growth helps you to overcome these manifestations of your ego.
I explained “Equality Wisdom” in a previous blog: each person’s heart has ten worlds in it, from the state of being Buddha to the state of being in Hell. Even the great saints and holy people, like Jesus and Shakyamuni Buddha, had ten worlds in their hearts, and with Equality Wisdom we see the ten worlds within ourselves equally — they all exist in our hearts.
No one is a 100% good person or a 100% bad person — everyone has both hearts, and the ability to remorse enables you to clearly see your own heart, which state of heart you are in at any given moment. The heart shifts in a moment, through the ten worlds from the state of Buddha to the state of being in Hell.
And your remorse connects your internal Buddha and external Buddha. The meaning of “seeing clearly inside the heart” is that you take responsibility for the life you were given and for the mission of your life. When you do this, your internal Buddha and external Buddha will touch one another. The clarity of this connection depends on the depth of your responsibility to it.

And when this happens, you’ll feel that there are infinite possibilities, because if you are not stuck in one state, you can freely choose and move to the state you want to be in.
Also, you’ll receive wisdom, because you are not stuck in a single mind set — you are open to new ideas and solutions.
This richness of infinite possibilities is “Emptiness,” which is one of the core teachings of Mahayana Buddhism. It is a very famous concept that is described in the “Heart Sutra.”
So, Let’s Remorse and Be Free!

The post Remorse: To Be Free appeared first on Tao Shiatsu Therapy.