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Sri Lanka Well Project

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Every morning in villages throughout Sri Lanka, because there are not enough wells, women and children have to journey, often great distances to bring water back to their homes. Just one well provides water for up to 500 villagers and relief from this hard and heavy workload. Each well costs approximately ¥250 000 yen (approx $2,500 US).

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Tao Sangha’s NPO, Global Uni Community communicates and works with the Sri Lankan government through Katsumi Tanaka, one of the principle
organizers of the Japan-Sri Lanka Friendship Association. The government decides the location of where a well is most needed. Foundation funds are then used for construction under Mr. Tanaka’s supervision. Three wells, a kindergarten and a library have already been built through his efforts.
GUC provided ¥750 000 yen ($7,500 US) for well construction. The first well was completed June 2002, and was handed over in a ceremony to the villagers in April 2003.
View 2002 video documentary of this project:
From 2003 – 2005 the remaining 500,000 yen ($5,000) was held in a bank account in Sri Lanka, awaiting allocation for the 2 more wells to be constructed. During this time the high yearly interest was donated to projects supporting children’s education in Sri Lanka.
In 2005, the other 2 wells were completed. The names of these 3 wells are UNI, Tao Sangha and Tao Shiatsu fountains.
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