Tao Shiatsu Workshop with Palestinian Physiotherapists in Hebron
August 12th, 2009
In coordination with the Palestinian Physiotherapists’ Association, Tao Sangha gave a Tao Shiatsu workshop to twelve physiotherapists in the city of Hebron. The workshop took place at the Al Ihsan Charitable Society, which provides housing and health care needs for Hebron’s disabled community.
Ryokyu Endo sensei began with an explanation of Ki (universal life energy force) and then proceeded to do a series of Ki tests, using the imagination, then the spoken word, and then the heart. It was amazing to see the evolution among the therapists, so used to working in the physical domain, begin to shift and open up to Ki and the non-physical realm of universal life giving energy. In the last 15-20 minutes of the workshop, the therapists experienced tsubo (pressure point therapy) and meridians (the channels of Ki existing in the body-mind-spirit).
All the participants were amazed at the results and were eager to learn more about Eastern ways of thinking and non-doing. The Palestinian Physiotherapists’ Association, which has some 700 members throughout Palestine, is eager to do follow up workshops in the future.