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Ki Shin Do in Bethlehem

Home » Ki Shin Do in Bethlehem

Ki Shin Do meditation workshop at the Peace Education Conference, Talitha Kumi, Bethlehem

August 7th, 2009
The annual Peace Education Conference, organized by the Israeli-Palestinian Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) brings together over one hundred Israeli, Palestinian and international participants, each with diverse backgrounds and different ongoing projects: teachers, professors, peacemakers, business people, dance and drama therapists, academics and so on.
As part of the conference, Tao Sangha members hosted a Ki Shin Do workshop. Ki Shin Do literally means “The Way of Ki and Heart”. In Ki Shin Do, participatory exercises based on Buddhist principles are done to deepen the heart state and to connect with the deeper parts of ourselves and others. We can experience directly how our heart and energetic states affect us as well as those around us. Through this connection we can heal our own subconscious wounds as well as those of others.
Twelve people attended the workshop, Israeli, Palestinian and foreign nationals. The workshop started with partner meridian stretches to allow people to get to know each other and to relax. Then participants experienced the wonder of Ki meditation, communication training and Aiki. The main theme was: Bright Future for Israelis and Palestinians. The Ki was so clear and strong right from the beginning. The participants were really dazzled by their experience and the groundwork was laid for other such workshops in the future.

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