Madison Flame of Hope Introductory Workshop: Power of Ki – Good Fortune from the Universe -Madison
Flame of Hope Intro Workshops Power of Ki Good Fortune
Tao Sangha Centers in North America:
Flame of Hope Intro Workshops Power of Ki Good Fortune
Ryokyu Endo, Head Priest of Wada Ji Sangha Temple, answered
Tao Sangha is a place to practice and develop spirituality,
Through practice of Flame of Hope chanting, people share and derive spiritual benefit for themselves and others.
Flame of Hope Intro Workshops Power of Ki Good Fortune
Interfaith Nembutsu Chanting Nembutsu Interfaith Chanting is a practice in
Tao Sangha centers and branches unify and pray for the
The study of Tao Shiatsu intimately involves the development of
The Sangha Voice Orchestra is a Buddhist choral group, located
Everybody is invited to this regular and unique event, especially
Thank you, everyone! Your donations to the “Water Purification Project
Tao Sangha is a place to practice and develop spirituality,
~ A road to discover peace in the Middle East
Take the first steps to becoming a certified Tao Shiatsu
Take the first step to becoming a Tao Shiatsu therapist
The Power of Ki and Tao Shiatsu: this workshop will
by Mr Ryokyu Endo
by Mr Ryokyu Endo
Through Tao Sangha there are many ways you can grow your heart and spirit. Courses and workshops are offered through Wada-Ji Temple, and also through our non-profit/non-denominational branch, the Global Uni Community. Tao Shiatsu healing, a hands-on form of Oriental medicine is taught through our Tao Shiatsu Schools.
Take the first steps to becoming a certified Tao Shiatsu practitioner Saturday-Sunday, September 28-29, 2024 The Tao Shiatsu Introductory course
Take the first step to becoming a Tao Shiatsu therapist – begins October 12-13, 2024 The Tao Shiatsu Introductory course
The Power of Ki and Tao Shiatsu: this workshop will awaken your spirit and rekindle your healing abilities. Sunday, September
Flame of Hope Intro Workshops Power of Ki Good Fortune from the Universe Sunday November 26, 2023 Experience the innate
What is called the Ultimate Heart is an emotion coming from within the truth that dwells in the deepest region