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Tao Heart – Spirit of the Practitioner

The study of Tao Shiatsu intimately involves the development of the student’s spiritual heart for the benefit of others. The effectiveness of Tao Shiatsu depends on the practitioner receiving and developing this “Tao Heart”. Healing does not arise from technical proficiency, but through the realization of the oneness of heart and body. Understanding that the more one’s Giving Heart develops the more effective the Shiatsu treatments is the key to successful study and practice.

The aspiration to change and to move from an ego and gain oriented state, to an egoless and giving state requires work and goes against the human desire for comfort. Tao Heart is possible however with earnest effort, and brings with it oneness with the Tao tradition. With the tradition come a certain responsibility or devotion, which opens one up to the pleasures of Tao Shiatsu: the physical, emotional and mental benefits, the heart and spirit of the tradition, and the opportunity to truly be of service to others.

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