Tao Shiatsu FAQ
1.Is some shiatsu just for relaxation? Why is relaxation important in shiatsu?
2.Is shiatsu “preventative” or a form of treatment?
3.What is the difference between Tao Shiatsu and Zen Shiatsu?
4.Why are the sub-meridians necessary?
5.How long does it take to learn Tao Shiatsu?
6.Can small children and animals be treated?
7.Does shiatsu treat mental or physical illness?
8.What is a tsubo?
9.About the Menken response, should old symptoms be allowed to come out even when they are severe? What if the receiver doesn’t know if the symptoms are old or new?
10.Is it possible to unconsciously or accidentally take on another person’s negative ki or to pass negative ki on to someone else? How do you prevent that?
11.Is shiatsu the only way to release ja-ki (negative energy)?
12.What is Ki Training?
- Is some shiatsu just for relaxation? Why is relaxation important in shiatsu?
Yes, some forms of shiatsu are done for relaxation but in Tao Shiatsu, relaxation is just the preliminary step in releasing the free flow of ki. The body needs relaxation to respond to the stimulation of treatment. If the body is tense, ki is closed off. The energy body is the focus of treatment. By seeking to balance disturbances in energy circulation, illness is healed and prevented.
- Is shiatsu “preventative” or a form of treatment?
It’s both a preventative and a form of treatment. In addition it assists in personal growth and development.
- What is the difference between Tao Shiatsu and Zen Shiatsu?
Tao Shiatsu is the culmination of Zen Shiatsu. It develops meridian medicine further by placing emphasis on the ki meridians which exist beyond the physical body. The Five New Elements differentiate Tao Shiatsu from Zen Shiatsu.
- Why are the sub-meridians necessary?
Modern symptoms are increasingly energy deficient (kyo)in nature and less responsive to treatment of only the main meridians. The sub-meridians allow treatment of deeper kyo conditions.
- How long does it take to learn Tao Shiatsu?
It depends primarily on the student. To become competent with the Basic Form takes about one year.
- Can small children and animals be treated?
Tao shiatsu includes a special Children’s Form adapted to young children’s special requirements. Yes, Tao Shiatsu can be used on animals but because human beings have a much more developed consciousness it is far more effective on people.
- Does shiatsu treat mental or physical illness?
Both, because the mind and body are seen as intimately connected by the flow of ki. Therefore treatment effects the whole person, body, mind and spirit.
- What is a tsubo?
A tsubo is an expression of life, so it can’t be tied to a fixed location. In this respect it is different from an acupuncture point. Through the tsubo it is possible to access the flow of ki in the meridian.
- About the Menken response, should old symptoms be allowed to come out even when they are severe? What if the receiver doesn’t know if the symptoms are old or new?
It is important to explain clearly to the patient how the healing response functions and help them to see the symptoms that manifest during treatment as a pathway back to health. If sleepiness accompanies the symptoms, they are probably the Menken response.
- Is it possible to unconsciously or accidentally take on another person’s negative ki or to pass negative ki on to someone else? How do you prevent that?
Yes, it is possible but using the Super Vessel protects both the giver and receiver. The ki method also provides protection. Ki training exercises strengthen the giver’s ki, making it less susceptible to negative ki.
- Is shiatsu the only way to release ja-ki (negative energy)?
No, but it is an effective way.
- What is Ki Training?
This is a system for developing sensitivity and cultivation of ki through individual and pair exercises. Ki is then utilized in shiatsu treatment.