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Nembutsu Interfaith Chanting Schedule – Montreal

Home » Nembutsu Interfaith Chanting Schedule – Montreal
Nembutsu Chanting

Nembutsu musical interfaith chanting is a deep meditation chanting practice allows the practitioner to enter a state of samadhi, to unify with the spirit of Amida Buddha, expressing a deep wish for the best for self and all others.


  • Tuesday night: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
  • Sunday morning: 8:15 – 9:00 am

With alternate themes, including:

  • Dharma Study – the Heart Sutra explained by Master Ryokyu
  • The Heart of Communication

Cost: open contribution or donation.


Click here to learn more about Nembutsu chanting

What is Nembutsu Interfaith Chanting?

The ancient practice of Nembutsu involves mindfulness of Amida Buddha (the Great Spirit of the Universe), and the recitation of the sacred name, Namu Amida Butsu, which means “I follow/return back to Amida Buddha.” Through the practice of Nembutsu, people share and derive spiritual benefit for themselves and others.

What is the Purpose of Nembutsu?

1) To allow all beings and spirits go to Pure Land, which is to live in a peaceful and happy state in this world. Enlightenment right here, right now.
2) For all to receive the merit, wisdom, compassion, majestic power and great love of Amida Buddha.

Why practice Nembutsu?

In our daily lives it is easy to feel separated and cut off from the Source of what is, from other people, and even from ourselves. We are all looking for ways to overcome the suffering in our lives, and to unify with ourselves and all other beings. Through the practice of Nembutsu we realize that there is no separation between our own happiness and that of others. By genuinely wishing for others to overcome and reach peace and happiness, we contribute to our own well being and inner harmony. This is the core teaching of Mahayana Pure Land Buddhism.

Pure Land Buddhism encourages us to heed the bidding of Shakyamuni in the Larger Amida Sutra, and to relinquish all of our spiritual needs to Amida Buddha. In so doing, we accept the Vow (will, mind or intention) and the Name of Amida (“Namu Amida Butsu”) and, therefore, our ultimate destiny – Buddhahood, Nirvana. When this happens, our life becomes a joyful adventure, characterised by a sense of indebtedness and gratitude.

Tao Sangha Montreal Centre
2325, rue Centre, suite 203
Montreal QC H3K 1J6
(514) 447-3202
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